Here is a simpler explanation of some of the topics I have written about in recent posts...
Most people have a self-image that is like a character in a story. Thoughts, including thoughts about the self, arise into consciousness from unconscious processes that we don't have much control over. Thoughts appear fully formed without us knowing how they were constructed. Often this character, our self-image, has traits that are idealized or that are not our own ideas but the ideas of other people.
Although the self-image is like a story that comes to us from somewhere beyond our control, we assume it is an accurate reflection of our self. But in reality, a person is not a character in a story. A person is a biological organism with flaws and limitations living in an imperfect world. The reality of what, where, and who we are is not the same as the character we think we should be or would like to be.
If you examine what happens when you have unpleasant emotions that arise as a reaction to situations that occur in life, you will see that most of the time the ego is involved. Your ego gets triggered because reality is not consistent with your self-image. You may notice that at first it seems like the situation is the problem, but later you realize that it is actually your reaction to the situation that is the problem. If the situation makes you angry, or anxious, or ashamed, it is those feelings that are the problem. You might try "accepting the situation" but that doesn't work. What works is accepting your emotions.
Part of accepting your emotions is recognizing you don't control them. If we could control them, we might think, "This emotion is not the one I want, I will have a different emotion." But that is not how it works, just like thoughts, emotions come to us from unconscious processes we don't control. When we resist our emotions, it just makes the unpleasantness worse. Accepting your emotions, in part, is recognizing they are not yours; you didn't choose them, you don't control them. Resisting makes things worse, the best option is not to resist them which means you allow yourself to feel them.
Allowing yourself to feel your emotions doesn't mean you wallow in them. When you accept you have feelings such as anger, or anxiety, or shame, when you accept the emotions are not "yours", when you accept that in reality you are not as perfect as you would like your self-image to be. The emotions seem more like a physical sensation than a cloud over reality, and they fade much faster than before. Then the situation causes you much less suffering.
When this happens, you can deal with the situation using compassion and reason instead of through selfish emotions.
If you can see how your self-image is not realistic, and you can see how the ego causes suffering, and you are willing to let go of your self-image and your sense of self-importance and accept reality, it will prevent a great amount of suffering. If you can experience or remember a situation where letting go stopped you from suffering, you can try to cultivate that attitude and develop your ability to let go by keeping mindful in daily life of what that attitude is like. There are also various meditation and mindfulness practices that can help you develop that attitude.
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