- Psychical Research, Parapsychology, Philosophy
- Materialism / Pseudo-skepticism
- Afterlife
- Spiritual Development
- Psychic Development
- Ghost Busting
Psychical Research, Parapsychology, Philosophy
- What is some of the evidence for the afterlife?
- What is some of the evidence that ESP is real?
- What are some peer-reviewed journal publications on afterlife, ESP, healing at a distance and other psi research?
- How do we know consciousness is not produced by the brain?
- Why do the materialist explanations of near-death experiences fail to explain the phenomenon?
- Which on-line resources refute the various materialist explanations of near-death experiences?
- Who are some of the Nobel prize winning scientists and other eminent researchers who believed in paranormal phenomena from their own investigations, observations or experiences?
- Who are some of the stage magicians who investigated mediums and found them to be genuine?
- Why is the evidence for the afterlife not explained by the super-psi hypothesis? Super-psi Mrs Piper Chris Carter Interview
Materialism / Pseudo-skepticism
- What is some of the evidence that materialist pseudo-skeptics are not all honest truth seekers?
- What are some common materialist pseudo-skeptical fallacies?
- Why is materialism not a rational philosophy, how is materialism self refuting?
- Why is it harmful for activist atheists and materialist to try to spread their views?
- How does pseudoskepticism harm individuals and society?
- Why is the Million Dollar Challenge so unfair to applicants that it will never be won?
- What are some of the reasons people don't trust James Randi?
- What is the Science Scam?
- What is the origin of the Science Scam and what can be done about it?
- What should I know about the afterlife?
- What is it like in the afterlife?
- What is some of the evidence that God exists?
- What is some of the evidence for reincarnation that comes from the statements of people who have had near-death experiences?
- What does it mean when a spirit guide says, "You can do no wrong?"
- What is the purpose of life and reincarnation?
- Where can I find links to free on-line e-books about the afterlife?
- What should I know about psychic development?
- What are some effective spiritual practices and easy ways to experience psychic and paranormal phenomena?
- What should I do if I start developing psychic Abilities? How do I turn off psychic abilities? How do I cope with being psychic?
- What are some methods of psychic self-defense?
- Where is there a Support Forum for Psychics on the Internet?
- How can I experience precognition?
- How can anyone make a psi-wheel to measure their energy field?
- Are out-of-body experiences real?
- How can I learn to communicate with Spirits?
- What is it like to communicate with spirits?
- Why do spirits communicate symbolically?
Spiritual Healing:
- How can anyone do energy healing?
- How can anyone learn to sense healing energy?
- How can anyone make a psi-wheel to measure healing energy?
- How do I get rid of spirits? How do I help spirits to complete their transition to the spirit world?
- What should I do about things moving by themselves, or inexplicable behavior or malfunction of electrical or electronic devices, and other mysterious phenomena (poltergeists)?
- What are Ghosts?
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